11-19-2016 Financial Planning seminar $$$$ 理財計劃講座 $$$$


On Sat night of 11/19/16 , we will have potluck at our clubhouse then listen to Mr. Kevin Chau’s talk about financial planning.

Remember to bring one dish and enjoy different kinds of food from other people.

十月十九日晚上, 請帶著你的拿手好菜來會館,品嚐各種菜餚之後,就聽周先生來告訴我們如何理財吧! (英文演講)


11-19-2016 Financial Planning seminar $$$$ 理財計劃講座 $$$$


On Sat night of 11/19/16 , we will have potluck at our clubhouse then listen to Mr. Kevin Chau’s talk about financial planning.

Remember to bring one dish and enjoy different kinds of food from other people.

十月十九日晚上, 請帶著你的拿手好菜來會館,品嚐各種菜餚之後,就聽周先生來告訴我們如何理財吧! (英文演講)
