Wake Up Your Taste Buds ! Live Gourmet Cooking Show ! 

 喚醒你的味蕾, 美食廚藝現場展示 !

You are welcomed to attend our cooking demonstration


Date 日期: 3/23/2019 Saturday (星期六)

Time 時間: 6:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner

7:00 p.m. Cooking Demonstration 美食示範

Place 地點: 614 Richmond Road, Staten Island, NY 10304


Chinese Society of Staten Island, Inc.

Mailing address郵寄地址: PO Box 140098, Staten Island, NY10314

Address協會地址: 614 Richmond Rd. Staten Island, NY 10304

Telephone電話: (917) 302-5707

Pot Luck Dinner: each Family bring a dish to share.

$10 per person if you don’t have time to cook.

晚餐: 請每家帶一道菜, 和大家分享,如果沒有時間提供菜餚,每位十元。

Please RSVP by Email or text before 3/18/2019 前通過電郵或簡訊報名
