Come and join us at our Bowling 活動  on January 11, 2020 and have some physical fun.

體驗保齡球的樂趣, 快參加我們2020年1月11日保齡球活動.

Time 時間: 1-11-2020Saturday 星期六4:00pm – 6:00pm

Place 地點: Rab’s Country Lanes,

                     1600 Hylan Blvd. SI, NY 10305.     (718) 979-1600

                         (Please come early to dress up 提前抵達)

Fee: $20.00 Price includes Two hours of bowling, free shoes rental, 2 slices of pizza and drinks.

費用: 每位 $20.00 包括: 2小时保龄, 免費租用保龄球鞋,兩片比薩和飲料.

Non-Bowler is $5.00 per person for pizza and drink .

不下場打球的啦啦隊每位 $5.00可以享用比薩和飲料.