Let’s come and celebrate ”the Year of the Rat“ at the 2020 Lunar New Year Dinner on 2/8/2020 at Golden Imperial Palace in Brooklyn.   This year not only we have prepared a feast, we also will have Raffle, 50/50 Cash Prize, singing, dancing performances and DJ for you all to enjoy.  Please RSVP now.

讓我們大家一起迎接及慶祝“ 2020金鼠年”的來臨!今年我們不但將準備美味豐盛的年菜, 還有中西洋歌曲,

舞蹈表演, DJ打歌, 抽獎, 50/50 Cash prize.

農曆新年餐會將於 2/8/2020 在金皇廷大酒楼舉行. 請快來報名.

*** Friendly reminder: 2020 annual membership $25 is due.  Life time membership fee  is $250.00  Kindly make payment by January 30th, 2020.  

*** 溫馨提醒2020年度會费 $25; 終身會員會费 $250. 請在2020年1月30日前付費.

